Frequently Asked Questions:

CAD text | Color Display | Color Setup | Copy/Paste | Crashes in 3D |
Custom Toolbars and Bitmap Icons

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  • Q: CAD text is coming out extremely faint - I can barely read it. Everything else is fine in the drawing.  What can I set to adjust the line weight of the CAD text?
  • A: Go to File/Print/Colors and assign a weight to the color the CAD text is drawn in.  This color weight value is multiplied times the LineWeight setting in File/PrintSetup to get your output thickness.


  • Q: When I try to modify colors by selecting edit/properties, my colors 16-255 are all black.
  • A: This is probably because your drawing's Cad.col colors are corrupted.  In your drawing, do a "File/Open" and choose type "Color Map" and open Cad.col, which should be located in your root CADVANCE directory.  Colors 16-255 should return to normal.


  • Q: How can  I save my color setup so that the settings would automatically be set for each drawing called up.
  • A: After changing the weights, click on 'Current Printer' in the File\Print dialog box. Note 'Default' option saves only the settings on the first screen such as margins, etc.


  • Q:  I cannot paste part of a drawing which has been copied from another drawing.
  • A:  Possible reasons are:
    • One or more corrupted objects within the copied region.
    • The copied region contains Associative object(s) on a DIFFERENT Layer than the object(s) they are associated with.  For example, you may have a room on layer 22 but its Associative Texturing may be on layer 51.  Before copying, put them on the same layer or convert the associative objects to static.
    • The world size of the drawing you're trying to paste into is too small to handle the copied objects.
    • In rare cases, the drawing you're trying to paste into contains corrupted objects.

  • Q: When I Copy / Paste to Microsoft WORD, I get an empty space or the objects appear extremely small.
  • A: Change the CADVANCE drawing scale before you paste the information into WORD.  Here is the procedure:
    • Go to Options / Unit
    • Change the "Drawing Scale"
      For instance, try changing the drawing scale to
      1"=1"  or
      1"=8'  or
      (these are just some suggestions)
    • Go into WORD, and we recommend that you use the command Edit / Paste Special, which gives you multiple options to format the data in WORD.

  • Q: When I Copy / Paste Microsoft WORD text into CADVANCE, I cannot see the text, or it comes in too large or too small.
  • A: Before you paste, change the CADVANCE drawing scale.  Here is the procedure:
    • Go to Options / Unit
    • Change the "Drawing Scale"
      For instance, try changing the drawing scale to
      1"=1"  or
      1"=8'  or
      (these are just some suggestions)
      Note: A value of 1"=16' means that 16 feet in your drawing corresponds to 1" on your paper.
    • Paste the information into CADVANCE.  It is recommended that you use the command Edit / Paste Special, which can give several options for pasting the data.

  • Q: When should I use CADVANCE Edit / Copy versus Copy / Duplicate? 
  • A: Each time a CADVANCE Object(s) is copied with the Edit / Copy command, multiple copies of the CADVANCE Object(s) are placed on the Windows Clipboard.  Depending on the Object(s) copied, will include 2 or more of the following:
    • CADVANCE Native Object

    • Bitmap

    • Windows Metafile or Picture

    • Rich Text Format and/or Text

    Because multiple copies are placed on the Clipboard, this can use up valuable time and resources.  We recommend using this function when copying to a different or new drawing.  

    When working within the same drawing, we recommend using the Copy / Duplicate function, as it does not use the Clipboard.  


  • Q:  I am in 3D, and I can't see my object(s).

  • A:  Try checking these possibilities:
    A) Make sure you've extruded your object from 2D
    B) Make sure the object is not the same color as the background
    C) Do a View/Fit


  • Q:  If I create my own custom bitmaps for v99, how do I put them into my toolbar?

  • A:  Copy them into the primary Bitmaps folder, within your CADVANCE directory.

  • Q:  My AETools 99 toolbar colors appear haphazardly different colors.

  • A:  It's most likely a resources issue.  We recommend you upgrade your RAM on your hard drive.

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